06 January 2011

day 20. someone you love.

that word. recently i have gone through experiences that have made me question what love is and how you know when you love someone- or when they love you. honestly, i am afraid to love someone right now. of course i love my family and my friends. but that is obvious. i'm not "in love." i don't plan on it in the near future either. my heart is surrounded by a very fragile shell that is becoming stronger and thicker day by day. that doesn't mean i won't give love to those around me. but it is going to be difficult for me to give my heart and full love to anyone (aka a young man).

i can truly say that i love my Savior and i am so grateful for his Atonement for me! where would i be without Him?

i want to be like this quote from C.S. Lewis:

sorry this is a day late. yesterday i was gone and busy from 8 am until 8 pm. so i'll do day 21 as well today don't you worry. haha since like no one reads this i don't think anyone will be anxious.


  1. i read it bekah. :) and now that i have an address again i can actually comment.

  2. thanks girls! You two are the best!
