01 March 2011

it was just one of "those" weekends. 
i went to Kaysville (in Davis County) Friday and Saturday. 
Partied with Sam. 
it snowed :[
byu slew san diego state. 
HELP dance party for Africa. 
left the dance party because it was no fun.
dinner with Sam and the girls. 
The Pink Bible (I must marry an English man). 
and then life started all over again on Monday.

over this busy weekend two amazing girls had their 21st birthday. here's to them!

homecoming game freshman year. wow we look young!
Kyli was my roommate freshman year, but we go back farther than that. when Kyli moved into my ward I got to know her and realized she was a pretty stinking cool girl. she was so outgoing, confident, stylish, popular, etc. I, being my little shy junior high self, was none of those. so we became friends. senior year of high school we were both on student council together. when Kyli decided to attend BYU I had no idea why she would want to room with me. (i mean, she is way cooler than me.) but she did. so, we signed up for E. Richards 2110. Freshman year of college is rough for pretty much everyone because it is a totally new ball game (especially if you are at BYU). different people adjust in different ways. Kyli and I discovered that we weren't very good roommates for each other. but, we were still friends- something i will be forever grateful for. she was so patient with me and we learned a lot from each other! two years later we are still friends. Kyli got married last summer, so obviously things are different, but she is seriously the best girl. we have stats together and i am so glad to have a class 3x a week just to hang out with her. she is super smart- majoring in Biochemistry and wanting to go to grad school. she is so stylish- i pretty much want to copy all her outfits. she is thoughtful- her and Brad brought be Zupas for lunch on my birthday. she has great taste in music. she is daring and willing to try new things. i admire Kyli and lot and am so glad we are friends!

at a basketball game last year. 
Shalise and me met on a bright August day when we were both moving our stuff into Madison 9 at Lib Square. we were roommates (not is the same bedroom, but the same apartment). after about 10 minutes we were squealing with delight because she not only knew my best friend, Neal, but knew him well! after that, we were besties. (ok obviously you don't become that close, that fast, but you get my drift.) I grew to admire shalise a lot that year because she studied so dang hard. she put school first and had the right priorities about life. she is in the accounting program at BYU and seriously is rocking it. shalise taught me that i should call my mom more often and tell her more about my life. shalise is always looking for ways to give people a little lift. shalise is hilarious and i love that we can laugh about the same stuff. shalise is always willing to listen to my guy drama and she will totally beat up any boy who breaks my heart. (she almost did once too.) shalise is way creative. once she made shoes out of duct tape. she also can make way cute headbands. last year shalise was always thoughtful enough to invite me to come along with her to hang out with people or go to the grocery store. one of my favorite memories is when last year they were running the coupons in the Daily Universe, Shalise and I became coupon hoarders. i came home one day (after taking about 10 newspapers simply to have the coupon) and found that shalise had pretty much cleaned out an entire newspaper stand! I could not stop laughing! those coupons lasted us months!  I love driving with shalise because she has awesome music and we can talk and talk and talk. ok whenever we are together we talk our heads off. Shalise is amazing because she has supported me in everything the last year and a half. she is one of those people who wants you to succeed. this sweet girl just turned in her mission papers and it abandoning me leaving on her mission sometime this summer! ( i have strict orders not to get married while she is gone and I hope I don't because I want her at my wedding!) i will miss her tons and tons, but i know she will be a wonderful missionary.

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