25 March 2012

a weekend of color

this weekend turned out nothing like i planned. but in a good way. when i left work on Friday i fully expected that i would be going camping in a few hours and then on saturday i would just study all day and watch a movie by myself that night. but sometimes spontaneity happens. and it's a good thing. i ended up going to a movie night with Adam and Jake and their Oregon friends who were visiting. i truly enjoyed it because (a) we watched Invictus- a movie about South Africa, Nelson Mandela, and rugby- which made me miss Africa and feel like i was watching my home on TV; and (b) because those people are all really stellar people! they are a group of individuals who know how to have fun without being dumb or crude (etc). it's good clean fun and i am so grateful that Adam and Jake are my friends! They are such great examples to me and i look up to them.
on saturday i went to the Festival of Colors! my first time ever! but i figured that since it is my last year in Provo and i have wanted to go for a few years now, that i should just go! it was a blast. i went with Jake and Adam's group and loved it. here are some pictures (although i'm sure like every single person in the blogging world is posting pictures.

i was covered in color. which is great because i think i'm a pretty colorful person! it took me forever to get clean. meh. it was so worth it!
later saturday night i went to Hunger Games again. don't be jealous. i'm just super cool (aka i know super cool people). it was great the second time around too! 
guys, sometimes life is good and then something comes along and it gets better. it's crazy. it's like a bolt from the blue- but good. my weekend was totally not what i was planning on, but God loves us and He loves to bless us! He wants us to be happy and when we are doing things right and trying to follow His will, he will send us experiences, things and people that make us even happier.
finally, i went to a fireside for Vocal Point tonight. it was amazing! they sang one of my most favorite songs. it is a prayer. it is my prayer. enjoy!

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