18 June 2012

Father's Day Weekend

this last weekend was Father's Day. and i may be the world's worst daughter/ the only one in the blogging world who doesn't do a tribute to their dad, but really, he is awesome and if he doesn't it know it by now then i don't think a blog post is going to convince him.

the weekend was great but i'm not going to write a novel about it. i'll just throw some pictures up and let you enjoy (because it's late, and mostly because i want to watch Law & Order: SVU).

1. Us with Grandma and Grandpa Thomas
2. The kids and Grandma Arnesen
3. Logan loves jamming to music. 
4. I love this smiley boy!
5. Shea and I. (I may or may not have cried small tears when we said good-bye. it's going to be a long 18 months dear cousin, but you will be the best missionary! love you!)

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